When Adversity Strikes...
MasterPeace in Progress is my blog site about rebuilding your life and all the joys and struggles along the way. I, wholeheartedly, believe that we should live lives that are fulfilling. Too many of us are living our lives based on other people’s judgment of us. I don’t want to live my life predicated on external measures. This is my life. I’m starting a blog to document this huge change in my life that for a year (or maybe years) I was afraid to verbalize. I had to build the confidence to be able to say to people I want to change the way I make a living and publicly document it. I want to help other people do the same. I want to be the “poster child” for making the tough decision to do what it takes to live YOUR dreams. I’ve never felt so sure about something. I’m also sure that I don’t know what I’m doing and it’s thrilling to figure out. I think it’s important to show all of the process, including all of my failures. I had to get over the fear of others watching me fail and put out the content, even though everything hasn’t been fully fleshed out yet. I’ve conquered that hurdle and it wasn’t as scary as I thought. Now I’ve reached a point where I realize my overall goal is not clear on my site or social media. I made the decision to take a step back to figure out what’s missing and how to correct it. I didn’t become discouraged at all. I knew this would happen, and will probably happen again. I welcome it because I know the challenges will only make me better. I truly believe that. I have friends that are giving me valuable feedback, suggestions, and reference materials. More than anything else, I’m enjoying learning new skills as well as learning about myself. So, I went back to the drawing board, literally. I have a friend who laughed at my dry erase board in my office because he said it looked liked ones he’d seen in big board rooms for big businesses. He is very supportive of my endeavors, but didn't know I was going to such great lengths. I’m all in! I’m putting it all on the line and I know I still have more to give. I don’t think people really understand what you have to be willing to do and how much time you must be willing to give. Social life… whats’ that? Free time… where? Business hours… huh? This is all day, e’er day! The difficulties WILL come. Embrace them. Welcome them. Learn what they’re teaching you and press on!
photo by @muukii for Unsplash